Befriending a Bartender


Whether you’re at a popular nightclub with friends or enjoying a drink with your special someone at a local bar, it always pays off to befriend the bartender. The last thing you want is to be standing at the bar waiting for a drink longer than you have to, tapping your foot as your patience wears thin, and your frustration grows high. To avoid all this, all you have to do is befriend the bartender. After befriending many bartenders myself and reading into numerous interviews with them, there are a few seemingly simple yet important things you can do.

First, make sure you wait your turn and make it to the front of the bar. Don’t ever make a loud remark to grab the attention of a bartender. Good bartenders are always aware of their patrons. Second, have your money or credit card in hand because it shows bartenders that you know what you want and having the payment ready means you aren’t going to search your wallet or purse and waste time. This is especially important if it’s a busy night because they want to keep things moving at a steady pace. Third, know what drink/s you want and don’t over complicate your order. If you need to ask a question, or want an opinion, go ahead, but be considerate of the others waiting and don’t act like you know more than the bartender. If it’s crowded, you can always try a new cocktail on a slower night, or in a restaurant. Fourth, always be polite and respectful; you will always get a better experience. The last thing a bartender will respond to is a rude customer. If it’s a slow night and it’s crowded at the bar, start some small talk about anything that might seem to be relatable to the two of you. It creates somewhat of a bond for the future and assures good service. Finally, tipping well in your first round will have its benefits for the rest of the night. Don’t think, though, that a good tip will make up for rudeness or annoying behavior; a bartender will still think you’re a jerk who just tipped well and that won’t guarantee you much.

If, however, you have the unpleasant experience of dealing with an unprofessional bartender, always keep your cool. Don’t be the guy who picks a fight at the bar with the bartender, causes a scene, and ruins it for everybody. Find the manager and take your comments there. A respectable business will take your comments to heart and will probably try to compensate you.

Follow the advice given and you’ll befriend the bartended before you know. You’ll be in for a much smoother and relaxed time, and that’s what it’s all about in the first place.
